![]() Every time my daughter says this line, I find myself bracing for impact! As she gets older, I have even added a quick prayer for guidance on how to respond to whatever it is she has to share. One afternoon driving home from her pre-school, she announced in her sweet little 4-year-old voice that she had to tell me something. Here’s how it went: Em: Mommy, I have to tell you something. Me: What is it, sweetheart? Em: Today at school *boy* tried to show me his privates. Me: (Thankful to be stopped at a red light with my back to my girl.) Oh, okay. What did you do? Em: I ran away, Mommy. That is GROSS! Me: Do you remember who was around you when that happened; did any teachers see? Em: No, but I told Mrs. Beth and Mrs. Christine! Me: Well, sweetheart, you did the right thing, and I appreciate you telling me. You know you can always tell Mommy and Daddy anything. Right? Em: Right. Me: And should anyone ever show you their privates? Em: No. Me: Right, that’s why they are called PRIVATE! Friends, if your child (no matter the age) discloses something of this nature to you, here are a few essential things to keep in mind:
Folks, you’ve got this! And if you feel like you still need some more education to be fully prepared, reach out by clicking here. I would love to help you one-on-one or through a virtual parent workshop. To stay up-to-date with helpful parent resources, discussion, and upcoming events, please connect via any (or all!) of the following: www.fosteringsuccessllc.com facebook.com/fosteringsuccessllc/ instagram.com/fostering_success_llc/ linkedin.com/in/collinsfoster/
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AuthorCollins Foster, LMSW Archives
May 2020
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